grid card
1 Free Component(s)
Grid cards are small card-sized boxes containing important information. Grid cards give an elegant and minimal look to your web page. Tailwind grid card components can be used in flat design, pin-style design, and print. They also help with separating images, text, and headings so that details are presented neatly. They are highly responsive and work perfectly if you happen to change anything as they work well on all screen sizes without putting in too much effort. Tailwind grid card components provide built-in support for different frameworks including React, Angular, and Vue. You can use them to create dashboards and web app pages. The cards have certain UX that can be modified to fit the needs of various use cases. From displaying an individual profile to neatly showing your activity status these grid cards have many different ways of using them. Wide section cards can help you fit overwhelming information in a small card and you can show the user great customer reviews using these grid cards as well.
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full width 3 section card
card 1
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profile summary
graph with controls
stats average
profile summary 2
grid card 2
grid card
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chart card
ticket with barcode
stats card 1
stats 1
event card 1
content card
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card 3
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simple with heading and 2 buttons
single card with stacked avatars
single card with date and time
full width card with right aligned icons
compose task card
task card with right aligned button
compose note card
medium stat cards with icon
medium stat cards
compact stat cards alternate style
4 col stat cards
compact stat cards
medium stat cards alternate style
full width user profile card
full width 3 section project card
full width event card
full width table with tabs
full width project card
8 col listing card with stats and filters
8 col listing with search and filter
8 col listing card with action button
description list
8 col user profile card
6 col listing card with toggles
6 col listing card
6 col simple listing card
4 col user profile card
4 col listing card with action icons
3 col user profile card
3 col stats card
3 col list card
3 col list card with action buttons
3 col data card
card 33
stats 2
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