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MODA - The Most Detailed and Interactive TailwindCSS Admin Dashboard Template on the internet, with almost 100 Screens. Early Access Pricing Avaiable.

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Dropdowns present a list of courses of action from which a single option is selected by the user or multiple. The chosen option can display a value in the form or be utilized to channel or sort the existing substance.Dropdowns can be utilized in structures on total pages, in modals, or on sideboards. It is an adapted version of the select component and can be styled depending on the requirement. Tailwind Dropdown components are tested for cross-browser funtionality and can be used in any Tailwind project with built-in support for React, Angular, and Vue integrations. The Tailwind dropdown components are designed according to three different variants of dropdowns that support multiple functionalities. It includes a simple dropdown that enables the user to select only one option, a multi-select that allows the user to check numerous checkboxes from a list, and a combination box that enables the user to choose from a list of potential or required values.

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