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action panel


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An action panel is also known as a dialogue message window. It is a small window that triggers the user to make a decision or dive into additional information. The Tailwind action panel doesn’t fill the whole screen and is commonly used for modal events that require users to take an action before they can carry on. Meaning, the action panel disables the main content until the user clicks on an element in the panel, crosses it, opens the given link,or engages with the CTA Buttons. Get user’s attention to take action, whether it be through filling out a form, visiting an external site, participating in a sign-up sheet, or just getting their attention to act. They can include CTA buttons, toggles, links, icons and other actions such as subscriptions and payments etc. When an action panel window contains a smaller element, users don't have to load a completely new page just to access it. These come in handy for email capture, traffic conversion, promotional marketing, and website messaging/navigation as well.

simple with icon and fill button

undefined simple_with_icon_and_fill_button component preview

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