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Tailwind CSS chat components allow users to communicate in a web application, dashboard, or website. Users can share images, send/receive texts, documents, files, and so on. In most marketing websites today, chat has become an essential feature as it allows users to communicate without leaving the window or switching through applications. Chat Tailwind components have the option of attaching files, emojis, etc. It can be a great addition to the marketing website where customers want to drop in for a quick chat before making a purchase. The component includes a chat list screen allowing to keep tabs on all active chats and new messages. Tailwind CSS chat components are tested for cross-browser compatibility. They're also fully responsive, drop-in ready, and customizable according to the design requirements. Like all of Tailwind UI Kit’s components, they also has React, Angular, and Vue.js integrations. All of chat components following Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
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