shopping carts
1 Free Component(s)
A shopping cart is the collection of selected products displayed together with their quantity and price. It displays all the products that you have clicked to buy. It’s important to have a unique shopping cart that exhibits the same or elevated experience as it is the last step of the purchase. It’s also imperative to provide multiple actions of changing quantities, deleting/adding items, and going back to scrolling through the products. Tailwind Shopping category has 4 uniquely styled and designed components. All the elements in these components are fully functional and can be integrated easily into your Ecommerce projects. The variations have different arrangements, visual elements, actions, etc. The components in Tailwind Shopping cart category are completely modular, functional, and fully responsive. Tailwind Shopping cart category is built using the latest update of Tailwind CSS. There is no additional configuration required at any point to implement these components in your projects. These components also have support for React, Angular, and Vue.js.
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